
Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that can cause blindness. It damages the optic nerve, which carries information from your eyes to the visual center in your brain. This damage can result in permanent vision loss. The most common type of glaucoma has no early warning signs and can only be detected during a comprehensive eye exam. If undetected and untreated, glaucoma first causes peripheral vision loss and eventually can lead to blindness.

In most cases, glaucoma is caused by higher-than-normal pressure inside the eye — a condition called ocular hypertension

Glaucoma specialists have differing viewpoints about the use of drug, laser and surgical intervention to control high IOP.

Drug treatments involving eye drops can be useful for the first stages and special patients.

Most cases of glaucoma can be controlled with one or more drugs, but in some cases, surgery may be either preferred or more effective.

Surgery is a good option, then, for those who would like to have the treatment that most allows them to “forget about” their glaucoma.

All glaucoma surgery procedures decrease the production of intraocular fluid (aqueous humor

or increase the outflow (drainage) of this same fluid. Currently the goal of glaucoma surgery and other glaucoma treatment is to reduce or stabilize intraocular pressure (IOP).So damage to optic nerve will be prevented.

The procedure called trabeculectomy creates an artificial drainage area. This method is used in cases of advanced glaucoma where optic nerve damage has occurred and the IOP continues to soar. A third common option is a shunt, a device that a surgeon implants in your eye to improve fluid drainage.

Glaucoma shunts and stents are small devices that are surgically inserted into the eye to increase outflow of intraocular fluid and reduce high eye pressure. The devices create an alternative passageway for the aqueous to escape from the eye, bypassing the eye’s damaged or clogged filtration drainage canals.








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