Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK)

Whether you suffer from shortsightedness (myopia), long-sightedness (hypermetropia/hyperopia), astigmatism, or age-related long-sightedness (presbyopia): all these sightedness conditions can be treated with the Excimer laser and without problem.

With the Excimer laser, we vaporize a thin layer of the cornea. By so doing, we can:

  • Change the profile of the cornea.
  • Flatten its profile in cases of shortsightedness.
  • Round out its profile in cases of long-sightedness.
  • Even out its profile in cases of astigmatism.

PRK eye surgery is an ambulatory procedure, meaning it is performed on a walk-in, walkout basis.

The final results of PRK surgery are comparable to LASIK outcomes, but initial PRK recovery is slower because it takes a few days for new epithelial cells to regenerate and cover the surface of the eye.

How is PRK performed?

  • Numbing eye drops are applied to your eyes, and an instrument called a lid speculum is used to keep your eyelids open.
  • First, your eye surgeon removes a central area of corneal epithelium with a special surgical instrument.
  • Next, an excimer laser is used to precisely reshape the curvature of your cornea’s surface. This computer-controlled, highly specialized laser delivers pulses of cool ultraviolet light that remove microscopic amounts of tissue in a precise pattern.
  • You will be asked to look at a target light for a short time while your surgeon watches your eye through a microscope as the laser sends pulses of light to your cornea.
  • In fact, the actual surgery generally takes only 15 minutes.
  • A soft contact lens “bandage” is then placed on the cornea to help protect your eye.
  • Most people do not feel any discomfort, although you may feel some pressure on your eye. Your surgeon has full control of the laser and can turn it off at any time.
  • New epithelial cells grow back in five days typically, after which the bandage contact lens is removed by your eye doctor.
  • PRK recovery takes longer than recovery from LASIK surgery. It may be days or a couple of weeks before your eyesight improves, and even longer for your vision to stabilize.






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